If you want to copy the setting from the first partition of the group, you can take advantage of the new add dbpartitionnum option within the REDISTRIBUTE DATABASE PARTITON GROUP command. 如果想复制分区组中第一个分区的设置,则可以在REDISTRIBUTEDATABASEPARTITONGROUP命令中利用新的adddbpartitionnum选项。
I have seen a number of cases in which the – p option was used on UNIX platforms and the primary group of the account changed over time. 我见过许多在UNIX平台上使用–p选项的情况,并且帐户的主要分组会随时间变化。
Choose this option to move the selected series group down in the list. 选择此选项可以在列表中向下移动所选序列组。
Enables the user to select a single option from a group of choices when paired with other. 控件成对出现时,使用户能够从一组选项中选择一个选项。
The company is taking the cleanest and easiest option by shutting Direct Group down in China rather than trying to find a buyer, said one person familiar with the matter. 公司选择最干净利落、最简便的方式,即关闭直接集团的中国业务,而不是试图寻找买家,一位知情人士称。
You must enter a caption for your option group. 必须为选项组输入标题。
Choose this option to add a new series group to the list. 选择此选项可以向列表中添加新的序列组。
That might mean selling an oil swap to an airline or an OTC corn option to a farming group. 这可能意味着,将油价互换合约出售给一家航空公司,或者把场外玉米期权出售给一家农业企业。
That's all the information the wizard needs to create your option group. 以上是向导创建选项组所需的全部信息。
Some packages might not be able to share a package group, in which case the option to use an existing package group will be disabled. 某些软件包无法共享软件包组,在这种情况下,使用现有软件包组的选项将处于禁用状态。
This control uses the same option value as another control in the option group. 该控件与其他控件使用选项组中的相同选项值。
There isn't enough space for the wizard to display the option group here. Try placing the option group further away from edge of the form section. 该向导没有足够的空间显示选项组标题。试着将选项组放在更加远离窗体节边缘的地方。
Choose this option to include a group footer with the group. 如果选择此选项,则在组中包括组尾。
An option group contains a set of option buttons, check boxes, or toggle buttons. You can choose only one option. 一个选项组含有一组选项按钮、复选框或切换按钮。只能选择其中一种。
This option allows you to simulate Group Policy processing across a slow network connection. Certain settings are not applied acrosss a slow network connection. 此选项允许您模拟组策略通过慢速网络连接时的处理。通过慢速网络连接时一些设置不会被应用。
Option to add a code group to more than one level at a time. 选项一次将一个代码组添加到多个级别。
Choose this option to add a new row group. 选择此选项可添加新行组。
Clicking an option in an option group sets the value of the option group to the value of the selected option. 单击选项组中的某个选项,把选项组的值设置成选定选项的值。
In a letter to employees which explained the restructuring, Mr Ma said he did not exclude the option of a potential future listing for the entire group. 马云在一封致全体雇员的信中解释了重组方案,他表示,不排除未来集团整体上市的可能性。
Choose this option to edit the selected group. 选择此选项可编辑所选的组。
Work site distribution is an important option for group insurance innovation, and an inherent requirement of the company for further development as well. 而职场营销是团险渠道自主创新的重要选择,是公司发展的内在要求。
Based on the patients 'option to undergo transsphenoidal approach ( group A, 14 patients) and subfrontal approach ( group B, 29 patients). 根据患者自愿选择手术方式的方法,其中14例采用经口鼻蝶入路显微手术切除(A组),29例采用开颅经额下入路切除(B组)。
The implementation of executive stock option system in Hua Li Stock Holding Group Company has fixed Chinese characteristics. 然后,文章分析了华立控股集团公司实施经理股票期权制度的过程。
The Analysis of the Stock Option Stimulating Program of GH Group GH(集团)公司股票期权激励计划研究
According to the results of analysis and combining the global constructional and development experience in power industry, it presents the development goal, the strategic purpose, the strategic option and the strategic target for Group A as well. 在此基础上,根据分析结果并结合国内外电力行业建设和发展经验,提出了A集团电力业务发展的宗旨、战略意图、战略选择和战略目标,最后,本文对A集团发展战略提出了实施措施。
And further discussed current our country social corruption features: corruption rules feature has not yet been digestion; option characteristic is shown increasingly; corrupt group characteristics and "extroversion" corruption feature is highlighted with each passing day. 并进一步论述了当前我国社会领域腐败的特征:腐败的潜规则化特征尚未消解;期权化特征日益显露;腐败的群体性特征明显和外向型腐败特征日趋凸显。
Therefore, income subsidy is a preferable option to help urban low-income group against price rise for their food security. 因此,收入补贴是应对粮食价格上涨、保障城镇低收入人群粮食安全的更好政策选择。